It is with a humble heart that I write this letter to you as the newly appointed Interim Principal of St. Hilary School. I am excited to continue working with the many students and families I have grown to know during the past two years as the Assistant Principal and 4th grade teacher.
The past few weeks have been demanding for us all. Difficult times have a way of bringing out the best in people and inspiring leaders that rise to the occasion. Ms. Alissa Sedano has demonstrated such leadership during these challenging times. Given the current environment, I have asked Ms. Sedano to serve as Interim Principal for the rest of the school year.
I want to thank our whole school community: students, parents, teachers, and staff for your continued flexibility, patience, and perseverance during this unprecedented state of emergency. We all have been asked to take on new and additional roles in order to overcome the challenges this crisis has brought forth. Everyone’s efforts in adapting is truly appreciated.
4.3.20- As we prepare for Holy Week and Easter, I pray you and your families are safe and well. At this time of prayer, reflection and joy as we anticipate the glory of our risen Lord, we find ourselves faced with the burdens of uncertainty and the pain of loss. It’s at this moment that we must rely on our family, neighbors and faith for strength and courage to sustain us through this time.